David Zonta: the green artisan

David Zonta, born in Verbania, on the shores of the verdant Lake Maggiore, to a family of floriculturists, could have taken two paths: to get sick of plants and greenhouses or keep on working in that field, instilling a truly personal character to his job and his life. Definitely he opted for the second choice and when we meet him, this Garden and Floral Designer, also editor of a column entitled “Stropicciato come un Tulipano” on La Stampa, we come face to face with a beautiful person, who has transformed his passion for greenery, and its thousands of variants, in a key for both gaining a personal gratification and finding a balance with the world. “Since I was a child my father had taught me to recognize the plants, inviting me to look carefully at them. Now I realize that it’s my new sight, that makes the difference in this field. Little by little, I desired to go in depth and attended different classes even about cut-flowers. I have obtained the European florist diploma, then the Floral Designer one.

Plunged in so much beauty I decided to return some beauty to my neighbors, through the awareness of a life where nature is a faithful and reassuring companion”. Talking about the wellness that nature inspires may seem a depleted mission, but for David Zonta there is absolute sincerity and authenticity. He is now engaged on several fronts. He disengaged of the constraints of a shop in order to be able to work freely, oftentimes with the inspired complicity of his wife Elena Patris, who is a psychologist.

David designs and hand makes floral arrangements for indoors and outdoors, truly unique works, almost kids to him: he promotes classes and workshops for privates, professionals and also at school for talented children. As greenery enhances a feeling of wellness that has no limits. You only need to regain or empower your sight, make it curios and prompt to capture the marvels of nature, that are always there for everyone.

David goes far beyond the descriptions and the flowers botanical characteristics. Undoubtedly, he shows competency and skill, but overall, he has the gift to introduce his counterparts into an extraordinary mixture of an ancient work together with all the possible declinations of the contemporary world. In the end, the search for happiness stands in the attentive observation of the beauty generated by respect.

It’s not a tricky notion, it’s difficult to put it into practice without being overwhelmed by the anxieties and daily worries. But David can manage it and eagerly speaks about the project that he and his wife have conceived “Land Art Lab”, a container where the main character is the greenery intended to enhance the quality of spaces and human relationships, including work environments. He is enthusiastic when he tells us the creation of a terrace at the Regina Margherita Hospital First Aid: a green relax area realized thanks to the contribution of the Albero Gemello Foundation.

Being regenerated by greenery (also by the forgotten one, as he says) and becoming accustomed to a sight which prioritizes the positive side and the beauty in every aspect of life: this is the recipe to recover, from within ourselves, precious sparks of creativity and enchantment. This is equally true in one’s private as well as work life. And an ally, several adventure companions, David ensures us, do exist in nature. We just have to discover them through new eyes.

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