Fiorenzo Naddeo, a “zero kilometers” artisan architect

A casket of marvels, a magic box from which multicolored objects come out.

When you speak to Fiorenzo Naddeo, an architect by formation, but one who loves to define himself a “Zero-Miles Artisan”, you get an impression of finding yourself before a cascade of multicolored objects, with ideas chasing each other.

We meet him in Corso De Gasperi, dealing with his latest work: the transformation of a historical barber’s parlor into a gastronomic excellence products retail. Between decorated walls, a recently mounted mirror, pieces of furniture, he accepts to tell us his adventure.

“I’d studied Graphic Design and Advertising, then Architecture, but the transition from the pencil to the laptop didn’t convince me at all, and I’d better reinvent my professionality, becoming a ‘Zero-Miles Artisan’. I like conveying the soul of a location, a home, being on site better than sitting in front of my laptop”.

“I love visiting the flea markets, I’m a compulsive hoarder. I like to collect any object: vintage postcards, furnishing complements, whatever tastes like ‘things past’”. Thus, unusual lamps take shape from hair dryer or caoutchouc crocodiles and snakes. But also, décor cushions realized with collections of scarves.


And actually, while going through flea markets Fiorenzo Taddeo discovered an object that has given his activity a new course: the rubber roller already in use in the ‘40s, especially in country homes in order to imitate the wallpaper. “By now I own about 70 rollers, bought in flea markets or on the web: through them I can reproduce the most diverse patterns: floral, oriental or geometrical designs. I proceed with the color proof, try to understand the soul of the location, then I begin my work.”

“In my life – he continues – I’ve hoarded a lot, but also accumulate plenty of experience. I can say that my way of life is ‘retrieve, re-use, reinvent’, that means do not waste materials which can have more lives.” “In the first phase everything has stopped – he says – each project about to start has been shelved. Then, since June an incredible rush, as we had to make up for the lost time. Now it is slowing down again, but thankfully I have stockpiled several projects, which allow me to keep on working”.

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